Thursday 24 January 2008

Not sleeping

It's been 4 whole nights now that I haven't slept, and I'm feeling pretty exhausted. Unfortunately when I'm like that I then get ill. The last few days I've been suffering with abdo pains, diarrhoea, asthma and now I've got a bad throat. I know it could be a LOT worse however, so I musn't grumble. I think some of the my not sleeping is due to me worrying about stuff, which I need to stop. I really need to eliminate worrying from my life! (yeah, right). But it's true that whenever I have adopted the attitude "what will be, will be" then everything is better in a way, because I then just go with the flow, and do my best to make the best possible decisions I can at the time. And change is good too. I have made lots of good changes this year, and I think that probably is one of the things I'm scared of - going back to how I was and the old situation and the old me. But I guess as long as I keep my eyes and ears open and always am aware of what I am doing, then I should be ok, and shouldn't make the same mistakes again. At least that's the idea! (fingers crossed). I'm trying to find a place of peace and quiet in my head right now. Think I will go and use my angel cards. I always find they help me when my head's all in a muddle xx

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