Friday 9 January 2009

I'm still here!

Hi lovely peeps,
I can't apologise enough for being terribly bad at updating my blog. I don't really know what to say about it, except sorry. I also hope that you are all as well and happy as you can be right now.

I don't really know where to start as I've had lots going on since I last posted including my 29th birthday, a visit to Paris, my aunty dying (v sad), flying to england for aunty's funeral, christmas and new year in england, and in between all that several tedious tests and hospital visits.

The greatest news healthwise so far though is that it's looking increasingly like I don't have lupus!! Not sure if I even had mentioned that the docs were suspecting lupus, but woooooo hooooo that it's looking like I don't have it! Definitely a major relief.

At the moment I'm trying to shake off a probable chest infection, and will take the long trip on the bus, down the twisty turny mountain road to the doctors later. Am praying that I won't a) be sick and b) faint as I hardly feel at my best right now, and I remember all too well the drive UP the mountain on saturday, and having to try and grab onto something when I got out of the car to stop myself collapsing :(

Anyway, I had better leave it there for now, as gotta get ready for the bus! Hopefully it won't be so long till I post again. Happy and Healthy New Year to you all! Ruth xx

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