The above photos are:
Top = The snow plough which pushed a car down the hill as it was stuck in the snow
Middle = Me cross-country skiing (ski de fond)
Bottom = A very cute dog peeping out of it's owner's rucksack on the bus
It has been snowing heavily on and off the last few days. Sometimes its so heavy that you can hardly see (like the top photo). At the weekend Mr W and I went cross-country skiing for the first time. We had a very long ski-walk before we even reached the "proper" ski de fond place which has tracks made out in the snow to make it easier to slide. We found out that the walk was actually graded a red for ski de fond, so we actually did pretty well to make it. It was really tough as it was uneven, plus it went up and down hill and round bends. I have to admit that when it went downhill, I was a bit of a scaredy-cat as there seemed to be hardly no control with the skis, and I didn't like the feeling of hurtling down a hill and not being able to stop! When I was more brave I fell over a lot, but at other times when it seemed just too steep I decided to slide on my bum to avoid hurting myself, which certainly amused some of the people watching me! (I have never liked the thought of breaking my bones but now I am more scared because I have osteoporosis and I don't want to spend the rest of the ski season in plaster). However, I was relieved that we made it, and that I didn't need the loo (this was a bit of a worry as we only saw one portaloo the whole day). I'm so grateful that presently my health is better enough to allow me to experience such wonderful things as before even though I might still have given it a try, I would have been anxious the whole time incase there was an emergency. I know how lucky I am.
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