Hi all, well I'm not doing too well with this blog am I?! I hoped it would be something I would stick to, but health problems etc seem to have taken over.
Right now, I'm feeling frustrated as I'm supposed to be visiting england this weekend, for a few weeks, and am so excited at the thought of being briefly reunited with Mr C, who is returning to a war-torn country again with his job. However I am feeling really unwell again, with horrible vertigo/dizziness and feeling faint and nauseous, rather like sea-sickness. The room is constantly spinning. It started yesterday evening, after a trip to the pharmacy, and I felt as if I was going to faint right there in the middle of the shop! On top of that I keep feeling hot and cold. The problem is, I'm sure this how my last rather nasty bout of flu started, and so I REALLY could do with feeling better ASAP, so that I can enjoy my trip to england, rather than feeling awful all through it. If you believe in praying, I would be ever so grateful if you could pray for me. Thank you.
Talking of health problems, my GP is referring me to a neurologist, because I have been suffering with numbness/loss of feeling and strange sensations in my arms and hands and toes, along with one-sided facial numbness and difficulty in swallowing. I thought that perhaps it was either down to a deficiency of some sort (eg, B12, magnesium, potassium or calcium) or a possible side-effect of the Infliximab/Remicade, a drug given intravenously for my Crohn's every 6-8 weeks. I am trying hard not to worry too much about the possible cause of my symptoms, as it could be something really small. However, my mother thinks it's a real possibility that it's either temporary or permanent damage to the myelin sheath, caused by my infusions, and she thinks that I should probably stop having the infusions. However, there is only one more drug I haven't yet tried in injection form, and this too apparently can cause the same effects, so I'm not happy to come off one drug and swap it for another one that could cause me exactly the same problems, as then I am rather stuck as to what I can have for my Crohn's as frankly, there is nothing else out there that I haven't tried. Seeing as overall I am feeling the most well I have ever felt in my life, I am loathe to just stop having something that is helping me to actually live for once. However, I too know that my infusions CAN cause the dreaded MS (multiple sclerosis) and so I know that I need to check things out. Oh well, fingers crossed hey! I could be just a hypochondriac! I saw a wonderful card online the other day, in the "get-well" section as I was searching for cards for my friend, and it had a picture of a man sitting in a classroom, with a sign above him entitled "Hypochondriacs Anonymous" and the man was on the phone to his wife saying that he would be home soon, as "They all phoned in sick again"! It's hard to explain it in words, but it did make me chuckle. Would so love to give that card to someone, but you would have to be sure that they didn't take offense! Anyway, love to all, R xx
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