Well, sorry about the last post. Hope it wasn't too depressing! Now thankfully I'm feeling better on the Crohn's-front, yay! but instead have been fighting a bad cough for several weeks. Think it could be an infection as I'm bringing up all sorts of yuck (sorry for TMI!), but I don't want end up on antibiotics as the last time I was on them I ended up back in hospital. So I'm trying to fight it on my own (with my poor immune system? yeah, right!). But I have fought this before on my own, so I'm sure I can do it again. Or at least that's what I keep telling myself!
Unfortunately I think I am fighting yet something else on top, as the last few days I've felt pretty rough. Don't know quite what is happening to me at the moment, but I don't very much like it. Maybe it's the strange weather we've been having here.
Anyway, this afternoon have got my neurologist appointment. Think I have mentioned it on my blog before, but in case I haven't, I have been having some mysterious symptoms and my GP thought it best to get checked out by a specialist. And so that appointment has finally arrived! yay. I'm going armed with my english to french translations which I have been working hard on, so wish me luck!
Hope all of you are as well as you can be. Take care, Ruth x